Alliance of Veteran organizations of Estonia

The Alliance of veteran organizations of Estonia was registered on 27 August 1991. Nowadays it has about 7 thousand members, and branches of the organization are located in 10 cities and 64 villages around Estonia.

In the 90-s of the previous century the Alliance had to resolve a range of quite complicated issues, connected with the legal and financial position of former professional servicemen. No one had ever had such experience anywhere. After 1991 all Russians, including veterans, faced a pressing issue of citizenship. The Alliance performed a huge work for the execution of documents, required for receiving Russian international passports for all veterans and members of their families, who wanted to get it.

All veteran organizations in Estonia work on public bases, using the funds raised from financial contributions of veterans.

Main directions of activities:

  • protecting the social rights of veterans;
  • improving social status of military pensioners;
  • providing legal and advisory assistance to veterans;
  • arranging tours to the places of military honor.

Chairman of the Alliance

Nowadays the work of veteran organizations with the youth is getting special importance. We believe that into the patriotic work with the youth should be involved younger veterans — veterans of local wars and military pensioners. And we have established good relations with youth organizations.