On Foundation and Work of the International Advisory Council of Organizations of Reserve Officers

11 April 2011

Anatoliy Kumakhov, Executive Secretary of the International Advisory Council of Organizations of Reserve Officers tells about its foundation and work.

The idea to create a tool of cooperation among organizations of reserve officers in different countries didn’t come all of a sudden. MEGAPIR has long been claimed on the stage of people’s diplomacy. The Association itself as well as the Military Philosophical Society and the Public Acknowledgement Forum working within it, for many years have been cooperating with veteran organizations with the CIS and other countries which Russia has ties with. It is worth remembering scientific-practical conferences, devoted to the most important events of the Great Patriotic War and the World War II which involved Russia, the USA, Egypt, Great Britain and other countries. Summarizing them, the «Megapir» Association Publishing House and «Megapir» Studio issue books and films with more than 50.000 copies. With the framework of celebrations marking the 65th anniversary of Victory over Fascism, the delegation visited Austria, Hungary, Slovakia. The key event of this trip was scientific-practical conference called «World War II. 65 years of Victory over Fascism» hold in Bratislava. Moreover, Magapir representatives visited Belarus, Germany, Egypt, China, Norway. There are also plans to visit Tunisia and Italy.

On Foundation and Work of the International Advisory Council of Organizations of Reserve Officers

Last October at the annual Association conference a decision about widening of its international activity was made. Since representatives of veteran organizations from other countries took part in the conference, they set up the Organizing Committee of International Advisory Council of Organizations of Reserve Officers. Our country is represented by Evgeny Velikhov, Academician, Secretary of Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Highest Council of the Public Acknowledgement Forum, Vladimir Mikhalkin, Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense, Artillery Marshal, Alexander Kanshin, Deputy Chairman of the Defense Ministry Public Council, Chairman of the «Megapir» Board of Directors as well as other public activists and commanders. Also a working group for documents preparation was formed.

Then in March 2011 members of the Organizing Committee gathered in the «Megapir» headquarters agreed to create International Advisory Council of Organizations of Reserve Officers and signed the minutes. According to the concept which we worked out the Council may include organizations which are its permanent members or have an observer status. Thus it is a voluntary formation, having no bulky charter or financial responsibilities and with its rights and duties initiated of powers, which are given to the Council by its members.

Cooperation is meant to be done in the following directions: consultation and experience sharing, assistance in creation of friendly and merciful attitude to veterans, physically handicapped people and military veterans, religious and ethical education of the youth, assistance in social adaptation of reserve officers and creation of atmosphere for their active economic, social, creative and other activity and also strengthening of cultural, intellectual and business ties among the states. The first meeting of International Advisory Council planned on the 15th of June 2011 will be hold in Military Arms Cultural Centre in Moscow. The Council headquarters will be situated in «Megapir» business centre.

Generally, as Alexander Kanshin, Chairman of the «Megapir» Board of Directors stressed the International Advisory Council is thought to be a voluntary nonprofit organization which doesn’t pursue any political interests or interferes with home matters of the countries whose veteran organizations will become its members.

However, we should take into account the fact that reserve officers are the best organized and well-educated part of the society, a real power able to influence social any processes in our countries, find mutual understanding, in spite of religious and social-economic differences.

Now we are working on coordination of the required documents’ drafts, solving other organizational matters connected with the preparation of the first meeting. So, everybody is engaged in the process. But when the first results prove to be fruitful, all difficulties seem trifles.